Maryam Aziz


    • Engro Powergen Qadirpur Limited

    Maryam Aziz is a highly experienced finance and audit professional, with a career spanning over 20 years in financial reporting, internal & external audit and risk management. She is a Fellow Chartered Accountant from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan. In addition, she has achieved professional certifications from Institute of Internal Auditors, US, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, UK and Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, UK. She is a certified director from the Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance.

    She began her professional accounting career with KPMG Taseer Hadi Khalid & Co. from where she completed her articleship. During her 5 years with the firm, she covered external audits, internal control reviews, due diligence reviews and privatization assignments at major financial institutions including Deutsche Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, UBL, State Bank of Pakistan, ANZ Grindlays and National Development Finance Corporation.

    In 2002, she joined ORIX Leasing Pakistan Limited, a subsidiary of ORIX Corporation, a Japanese multinational financial group operating in 34 countries globally. In her 20 years’ career with ORIX Group, she served in diverse roles, both within Pakistan and with group companies in the Middle East, Far East and Central Asia. As part of the International division of OLP, she performed critical due diligence reviews of strategic investment projects in the MENACA region and Russia. She was designated Finance Director at the IFC led joint venture investment by ORIX in a leasing company in Kazakhstan. She was a crucial resource in multiple assignments involving improvements to accounting and reporting processes in Kazakhstan, Indonesia and Pakistan. While she was Chief Internal Auditor in Pakistan, she was also designated as ORIX Group’s Internal Control Advisor in the Middle East and headed audits in Oman, Saudi Arabia and UAE. Her other critical roles in ORIX Pakistan include Chief Financial Officer and Head of Enterprise Risk Management.

    She also served for 3 years as a director and Chairperson of the Risk Committee on the Board of ORIX Modaraba, a subsidiary of ORIX Pakistan, and the oldest modarabas in the sector. Since 2019, she has been a member of the Board of Fauji Fertilizer Company Ltd.

    Ms. Aziz brings valuable experience in governance of financial reporting and risk management to the EPQL Board.


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