Athar Abrar Khwaja

    Chief Executive Officer

    • Engro Powergen Thar Limited

    Athar A. Khwaja is currently serving as the Chief Executive Officer at Engro Powergen Thar Limited.
    In a professional career spanning nearly 18 years he has diverse experience in Process Engineering, Projects, Marketing, Strategic Sourcing and Business Development.
    Prior to this Athar was working as Vice President Projects & Business Development at Engro Polymers & Chemicals Limited. He joined EPCL in 2004 as a Process Engineer and worked his way to the position of GM Technical in 2014. During this period, he was part of the project team responsible for the relocation, construction, and commissioning of the VCM plant from Baton Rouge LA as well as heading the business planning department where he negotiated with first long-term EDC sourcing agreement for EPCL along with executing record VCM exports of 20 KT in 2013.
    From 2015 – 2018 he led the marketing function for the chemicals business at ICI Pakistan.
    He re-joined Engro Polymers as GM Expansion Projects in 2018. His achievements at EPCL include leading the PVC 3 and VCM DBN Expansion projects. He strategically navigated the project during the Covid pandemic and ensured project completion and successful commercialization.
    He holds a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from McGill University, Montreal, Canada


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